Thursday, June 10, 2010


We got to Devon in time for me to join GrandDaughter in her swimming class!

Splash, splash, kick, kick. 'And pop them under!' Um, yes, okay. Daughter did and GrandDaughter came up looking surprised but unperturbed. Just another one of the strange things she's coming to expect of these big people who seem to find it funny.

GrandDaughter spends most of her time looking around. An unkind granny would call her nosey; a good granny would say that she's learning about her world. She takes it all in and appears to be thinking seriously about life. She often looks steadily at me as if she's trying to work me out.

We don't see her often enough to be able to make her laugh easily. It's a struggle but a great triumph when she bestows one of her 'eat me, I'm too gorgeous for words' smiles on us.

And, believe me, I don't need any encouragement to eat her.


Katney said...

I envy how often you do manage to visit. We are spread too thin--and the grands are spread too far. We taqke a bunch of them camping in a couple of weeks, though. Relish your time with her.

Anonymous said...

:0) grandparents are a gift.

Leslie: said...

I think you get to see GD more often than I get to see mine and she lives a 20-minute drive away. But then her Mommy is working full-time and her Daddy, well...anyway, did you see her latest photos on my Facebook? She's 2 now and is like your GD...very nos...interested in everything around her. :D