I don't know how we've managed for 31 years, bringing up three children, without one. We must have been washing dishes ALL the time.
I resisted one for years - much like I resisted a microwave - but it's wonderful. It gets the dishes clean just like magic. I don't understand how it does it but it does.
Let's hear it for luxury white goods!
We inherited a brand-new dishwasher with our new house. It worked once and then went wrong. The engineer has been trying to fix it for the last two months. No joy yet. The real dishwasher is still me.
I always thought dishwashers were a total waste of space until I moved into this house where there was one already installed. Now I wouldn't be without it!
There again I did used to say what is the point of the internet, who needs that ;-)
I have a wonderful dishwasher. Its got four legs and is called Raki.
I don't have a dishwasher, freezer, tumble dryer or microwave by choice. I have done so in the past but when they have gone wrong (which they always do) did'nt replace them. Now my washing machine I could not be without!!
I didn't think I needed one, but when we bought our first house in 1978, my (late) husband surprised me with one. What a wonderful machine and whenever I've had to go without one (e.g. broken down or the year I lived in the wilderness) I've really missed it.
Living on my own, I can't really justify having a dishwasher. Although if I let the dishes mount up...See, one can justify anything.
I'm the dishwasher in our house... :-)
I am the dishwasher.. :-)or my hubby helps out sometimes.
I only had one once, that is when my son knew someone who was practically giving it away.. it worked for a while.. but when moved here..no room for one. BUT there will be when I can afford a new kitchen.
There might only be me most of the time, but when the whole famiy come over.. Lets say I get someone else to wash up :-)
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