Saturday, March 06, 2010

I sit on the lavatory and ...

the seat collapses under me.

I look in the mirror and think, 'What's the matter with my hair?' Then I realise it's not my hair; my hair looks fine. It's my face that has seen better days.

Yes, I'm having a fat, old and grumpy day.

Which is not the right day to go and buy a new toilet seat. Because I come back with one that is ... (I would put the photo here but Blogger doesn't let me move photos around any more - so see next post) black and SPARKLY!


NitWit1 said...

WOW what a day! everything is in the toilet????

Awaiting photo.........

Around our house that fixture is handicapped height, a tribute to our advancing age! HA!

Liz Hinds said...

I'm sure this day will pas soon, nitwit ...

Katney said...

Liz, I think you need to try the updated post editor. You can do so many more things with photos so much more easily than you could with the old one. Enable it under basic on your settings page. If you need a tutorial, let me know.