Sunday, July 05, 2009

Can't spell for toffee

Blogger keeps accusing me of misspelling words that are blatantly not misspelled. Anyone else finding that?

And it seems to pick on words at random. Just one or two in a post. Most odd.


Suburbia said...

My spelling is so bad I'd just believe it!

Robin said...

Maybe it's set for US spelling?

Leslie: said...

I've never had blogger check my spelling before.

Katney said...

It's been mentioned at the Blogger Help Forum. Considering some of the other problems going on, I think it may be the least of our worries.

Liz Hinds said...

But it's offering my the same spelling as an alternative, suburbia!

No, it knows my spelling is right, robin, because it suggests it!

I always get Blogger to check my spelling, leslie, as my typing is so bad!

Just a minor quirk then, katney.

CherryPie said...

Blogger is American, just ignore it ;-)

NitWit1 said...

Yes and I am a pretty good speller. It seems to have just started that. and I am a US post.

95% of the highlighted words in a draft I am working on, were spelled correctly.

Between this and my other problems with IE7 and IE8 plus the "Operation Aborted" warning, which quelched my desire for PHOTOHUNT, I am considering learning Wordpress and FireFox.

Furtheron said...

US vs UK?

I use Firefox as a browser now most of the time. One advantage is that is highlights misspelling as you go and you can load up a UK-English dictionary.

Gledwood said...

YES! all the time. It highlights, I choose the right spelling from the suggestions list... click... and my original stays exactly the same!

Also it keeps trying to persuade me to spell American (not the obvious ones like honor color center) even though I've been set on British English since the start...

Lia said...

I have the same problem, mind you it's not helped by the fact that I am dyslexic, while this is a problem for me, I am often aware that there is something not quite right about the alternative they are offering me and will ask my youngest how to spell, as a consequence he is a great speller and I trust him far more than I do spell check.
You can always tell when the youngest is not around as my "spollings" go to pot.
much love
Lia xx

Berni said...

Maybe your computer is not set for English spelling but American are there are quite a few differences.