Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Zac's was ...

different. But when is it anything else?

A visitor, a first-timer, was there. (He might have been before but he's not a regular.) He took it upon himself to preach. Using the thread of the discussion as a starting point he took off, throwing in scripture references left, right and centre.

Jerry, our little drunk - by the way that's not meant to be condescending: he is shorter than me - who is himself inclined to hog the spotlight given the chance, objected to the preacher and suggested he should go back from whence he'd come.

I was with Jerry on that. The preacher abused the hospitality and welcome given to him. And he did it all with a beatific joy-of-the-lord smile.

I just switched off each time he opened his mouth.

But I listened when Jerry spoke. He can be the most infuriating, self-centred, foul-mouthed individual on times and, other times, he speaks the words of an angel.

Last night he opened a door and let us see a glimpse of the Jerry most of us have never seen. We know he's an alcoholic; we know he sleeps in the park; we know he's 'been there, done that, got the t-shirt'. But we - I - didn't know about the pain he keeps in the cupboard. He closed the door quickly to shut it away again, and it won't stop him being exasperating but I hope it will make me think a bit more about the hows and whys people become what they are.

And his smile, when later he was pretending to be Sean, did light up the room.


Bengbeng said...

i don't know how to comment on this post but i find it thought provoking. reminds me of the time i was hospitalized and some people with good intentions who wanted to preach the gospel and it felt so much an intrusion and the timing was all wrong despite all the good intentions.

nick said...

I think one thing we underestimate is the pain others go through. It's more obvious with people who clearly have serious problems like alcoholism, but even apparently contented people can have hidden agonies and torments we're ignorant of.

Furtheron said...

Thought provoking - I was going to comment but thought better of it... best I keep my preaching to myself :-)

Eunoia said...

YOU get upset when some stranger starts to preach?

Imagine how we Atheists feel ;-)

j said...

Yes, very thought-provoking. So often we package people up into 'the alcoholic' or 'the nuisance neighbour' or the 'irritating child' and we fail to see through the wrapping to the real person beneath.

And I can just see Zac's smile. LOL!