Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is there a Creature in the Channel?

First there came Nessie, the mythical creature that’s said to live in Loch Ness; now there’ve been sightings of a Creature in the Channel!

Earlier this month a young couple walking on a seafront in northern France noticed a strange rapidly-moving object in the water. The man, who was filming boats passing in and out of Boulogne harbour at the time, managed to catch the creature on film before it disappeared a few seconds later. An amateur marine biologist, the man had never seen anything like this creature before and he contacted the Association of Maritime Research to try and find out what it was.

The AMR, which investigates strange marine phenomena, has since had reports from several people who’ve claimed to have seen a similar object in the English Channel. All witnesses agree that it – whatever it is – is gigantic and fast-moving.

The AMR is now calling for more witnesses to come forward so they can try to establish what, if anything, is inhabiting the English Channel. So if you’re on a ferry to France, or you live on the south coast of England, keep your eyes peeled as a reward is being offered for evidence leading directly to proof of this creature’s existence.

Go to the website to find out more or to report sightings.


Furtheron said...

Think I'll put off swimming it then... :-)

jay said...

Is this a propaganda exercise by the English Channel Tourist Bureau? LOL!