Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What shall I do this evening?


Read magazines about writing?

Watch Grey's Anatomy on DVD?


I could work on rewriting the beginning of my novel as I don't like it as it is and I want to send some of it off soon for some critique-ing. But I haven't decided how I want to start it. And late evening isn't always the best time to think.

Read magazines about writing
More useful than it sounds as there are sometimes writing opportunities or competitions in them.

Watch Grey's Anatomy
Just relaxing.

Big pile needs doing. If I don't do it now when will I?

Decisions, decisions.


Reasons said...

I'd go for iron and watch the DVD at the same time. We are multi-taskers after all!

Nice blog :-)

Suburbia said...

Go for the TV option, more relaxing1

Liz Hinds said...

Grey's Anatomy won. But no ironing I'm afraid!

CherryPie said...

Non of the above ;-)

Anonymous said...

Don't get stuck in rewrite mode - I have written the same novel eight times. However writing, if you can start, is more satisfying than many things...
I had my own copy of Grey's Anatomy once - the book.

Gattina said...

Can't you watch a Pink anatomy, instead of a grey one ?

Gledwood said...

I always thought Greys Anatomy was a book featuring sinuses, lymph nodes etc... so what on earth do they pack into a tv show? Lifestory of a blood platelet?

Liz Hinds said...

So what would you have done, cherrypie?

It's just the very first few paragraphs, aileni, that I want to be more of a grabber.

It was fairly pink, gattina, by the time the blood had spurted out everywhere!

You wouldn't believe what they pack into the show, gledwoord. Better than Hollyoaks or Neighbours!