Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good grief!

I've made the flattest chocolate cake in the world!

I was trying out a new recipe and - wait for it - I'm supposed to slice each piece in half to make a 4-layered cake. I think I will have to settle for cutting them in half the other way and having a reasonably tall semi-circular cake.

This will call for some creativity.

* * * * * * * *

A few people have been very kind and given me awards. Thank you, and I haven't forgotten about them; I just haven't got round to thinking about the next recipients.


sally in norfolk said...

it happens to all the best cooks... at least once or twice :-)

Anonymous said...

It happens to me ALL the time. I have lost count of the number of semi circular cakes I have made lol.

Buddhist in Training said...

It looks like one of mine! I leave the cake making to my daughter now, she does a much better job. She's eleven!