Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm committed now

And there's those that will say 'about time too.'

But I mean committed to making Christmas puddings. Yes, I know it's a silly idea. Especially as nobody likes Christmas pudding. Well Husband does and my uncle who'll be having Christmas lunch with us does so that's two.

But I was writing about making Christmas puddings and I got this terrible craving. It's not complicated; it just takes a long time to steam so you have to be about to top up the water all day and make sure it doesn't burn dry and set the house afire. Apart from that ...

So, yes, I've ordered special pudding dishes from - wait for it - Lakeland Plastics! I know, I know: they're the people who make wondrous little things that you see in a catalogue and suddenly wonder how you've lived so long without an egg separator or dustbin cover in the shape of a hedge. No, wait, I'm thinking of Kleeneze! I am absolved. I can buy my little pudding dishes with peaceful heart, knowing I'm not a short trip away from the individual venetian blind wiper.

Anyway, I've ordered large and mini pudding basins as I'm thinking I can make some for Zac's Christmas fair.

The only thing that continues to be a worry is how can they make plastic dishes that can go in a saucepan and be steamed? What secret ingredient do they have that stops them melting? And is it, in the course of a few years, going to be proved to be carcinogenic? Ah, well, most things are for a time until the latest worry takes over.

And is Guinness stout? My recipe called for stout so I had to peer at the labels in Sainsburys today trying to find one that specified stout - a drink I always associate with Ena Sharples. I wasn't convinced about Guinness and eventually found one called Meantime, which claimed to be - and I'm sure is - 'hand-made in Greenwich, the home of stout.'

My gran always made her own Christmas puddings. She had an old boiler (for washing clothes) and she'd heat that up and for the day the house would be filled with steam and the scent of spicy alcoholic puddings cooking slowly.

I always had a stir and made a wish. I don't ever remember my wish coming true though ...


Anonymous said...

Erm *blush* I've bought Christmas pudding - I don't like it - The males here do, Z & I will have chocolate cake :0)

I've ordered a turkey - I don't eat that either, I'll have extra veggies :0) ( and cake)...

Dragonstar said...

Guinness is stout, but it's overpriced.
I love Christmas pud, and all the ritual associated with making it. No-one else likes it, so I buy for me!

Leslie: said...

I like Christmas pudding, too. My grandmother used to make the BEST hard sauce but now I make (or buy...yes!) the creamy kind and add rum to it.

I don't think my daughter will be serving pudding this year, though, as younger daughter is making the dessert - and she doesn't like pudding! lol

Plus my new/old beau has diabetes so I'll be looking into recipes for him now. *grin*

Katney said...

I'd not had "Christmas pudding" as it's a very UK sort of thing. In the US it's fruitcake that has the same nobody likes it reputation.

When I taught Dickens A Christmas Carol to the eighth graders a couple of years ago I had pictures and an old recipe to share. The principal observed that day and was impressed and told us that it was her tradition to make Christmas pudding (not by the 18th centurey recipe I had). She made us one for the class--and another for the staff Christmas party the same day. (She used entirely too much whisky trying to light the class one, and had none left of the staff one--I think that was maybe a bit backwards.)

Furtheron said...

I can't eat Christmas pudding... honestly even the smell makes me feel sick and one mouthfull and ... I'll stop there. Don't know why but always been like it, my son is the same so it must be genetic.

My Mum was the pud maker in our circle - they are sadly missed. Mrs F bought one ready they other day. She can't bring herself to make them as they'll never be like my Mums.

She's bought me and the son a sticky toffee pudding.... now that's love... :-)