Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I don't believe it!

There was an advert on Channel 5 just now (after Neighbours) for DulcoEase - stool softener.

I am speechless.


Shades said...

On my first trip to Canada back in the mid 80s I was stunned by all the adverts for Preparation H and feminine hygiene products. You didn't get that sort of thing on ITV (although maybe on Channel 4).

Anonymous said...

Sometimes they talk a load of old ***t on Channel 5.

Did you have a tear in your eye as Harold drove away into the sunset?

Maria Verivaki said...


Liz Hinds said...

I thought advertising towels with wings was bad enough. This advert was quite funny though as it featured four elegant women sitting at a cafe table discussing hard stools!

It wasn't as sad as I expected, yesbut.

indeed, kiwi

Katney said...

Well, I, maybe, wouldn't have believed it about---say ten, no maybe fifteen years ago. You don't even want to know what is advertised on TV here.

Refreshing that you can still be amazed at the presence of a stool softener ad.

Suburbia said...

Do you ever read She might want some!!

Anonymous said...

Eeeeeww! What next? This would have never happened in the days of Mary Whitehouse!

mrsnesbitt said...


Leslie: said...

This is hilarious! They've been advertising that sort of thing here since my children were small. I remember them doing a video where the older one was sitting on the loo talking about her "difficulties" and oh had to be here! It was riotous! You get it all out in the open here. I had no idea you didn't there.

Maggie May said...

Always a little surprise at the end!

Dragonstar said...

It's worth reading all the comments here. A great way to brighten the dull start to the day!

Baht At said...

soft soap is one thing but soft ....


Probably owned by some toilet paper company.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...
