Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A great night out

I thoroughly enjoyed my anniversary night out at Zac's; I think everyone else seemed to have a good time too.
Two special things. Ruby gave me these flowers, a card, a big hug and some lovely words.

And Barbie, a homeless child* and hopeless addict, who slept through last week's meeting, looked me right in the eye, gave me a lovely smile, and said, 'That was delicious, thank you.'

*She's late teens but has a child's vulnerability. And I use the term 'hopeless addict' because that's what people say, but there is hope for her. There has to be.

P.S. I don't use real names in Zac's except for Sean and Glenn.



Furtheron said...

There is always hope for her.... I've known people down that far - and worse who have come through it and now are great, alice, clean, sober, married, employed and happy.... most of all though free at last

Liz Hinds said...


Suburbia said...

Glad you had a rewarding night. At least someone gave you flowers!

CherryPie said...

The flowers are beautiful :-)

Dragonstar said...

I'm glad your evening went well.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you!

Ruthie said...

The flowers are lovely.... and there is always hope.