Friday, April 11, 2008

In which George is frightened by ducks

Whenever I spot people in the woods, even before George has seen them, I start shouting, 'George, don't jump up! George, don't jump up!' It's more to warn them that it is a possibility rather than in any real hope of my command being obeyed.

George has perfected the art of being simultaneously wet and dirty. Not a lot of dogs can do that.

'Or spell it.'

'Quite right, George.'


Unknown said...

I understand George quite well.

My old dog, Muffin, and I used to walk by the stream that was the boundary of the apartment complex where we lived. It was a stream in which Mallard ducks came with their young families in the spring. Muffin and I used to stand on the bank of the stream and watch the momma ducks and their families swim by. Once two drakes came out of the stream, ran up the slope of the bank toward Muffin and me, and zoomed into the air so close to us that I had to duck (pun unintended) my head. From that day on Muffin was reluctant to walk by the stream, even when the Mallards weren’t present.

Leslie: said...

That's so funny! Cute, but funny, too, when you think he could eat them for a snack - althoug poor George doesn't realise that yet.

jmb said...

Dirty and wet simultaneously. That is the definition of a lab and a cocker spaniel as I recall from my dog Tigger whom I had before Kanga whom I had before Cleo. Got that, a long time ago, but if there was water anywhere at all, she was in it.

Maybe you should self publish the old novel and sell it to your readers. I'll buy one, although don't be cutting out all the good stuff!

James Higham said...

He has so much character, George.

Anna said...

"Hurray, the river is mine again! Did you see that, Mum? I bested those monsters!"

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

That has made my day! Poor George - he probably thouhght they were funny-looking dogs!

Suburbia said...

Lovely George.
And such a nice burbling sound from the stream too!

CherryPie said...

Aww! Lovely :-)

Barbara said...

George should be really careful of those ducks! Good job he barked to make them fly away before they got him!!

jams o donnell said...

Haha that was sweet. I get the feelig that he will be in touch with his inner puppy for a long time to come!

Anonymous said...

"Dirty and wet simultaneously."

Sounds like a line from a porn novel. BTW, just WHAT are you writing??? ;-)

AngieRose said...

Can't say I blame him, ducks are dreadfully frightening!

Dragonstar said...

I thought all dogs were simultaneously wet and dirty - mine always were!
That video is lovely - brave George.

Elsie said...

George sounds all grown up with his dog bark, but he still looks like a pup -- a big pup, but still a pup. As gorgeous as ever!