P.S. Not that this is intended solely for jmb but for anyone who enjoys a good read. It's just that jmb sprang to mind. And I think Welshcakes has heard me mention Persephone before. And ... I'll stop now before I dig a deeper hole.
xxNow just the thoughts of me and not my dog until I can persuade Husband we should get another.
P.S. Not that this is intended solely for jmb but for anyone who enjoys a good read. It's just that jmb sprang to mind. And I think Welshcakes has heard me mention Persephone before. And ... I'll stop now before I dig a deeper hole.
Miss Pettigrew is my favourite! And 'They Knew Mr Knight' is on my Christmas list. How about the one where the lady gets stranded on a desert island for the duration of WWII?
I would add my thorough recommendation of the Persephone list. They're wonderfully written, evocative books, each one very different, and all perfect for cosying up with a hot-water-bottle!
I remember you mentioning it before and am glad you have reminded me!
Well I'll have to follow the link and check it out. Thanks for thinking of me and Welshcakes of course.
Five posts in one day. It's a wonder I got down this far. I kept thinking I'd come across one I'd read soon or was wondering if I'd gone senile!
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