Although he did qualify his agreement. He said he'd been grumbling to God about the state of the American church and God had reminded him that 'She may be a whore but she's still my wife.'
Anyway, Pastor Bob was/is committed to be on the edge - wherever the edge is. He spends most of his time with musicians - black metal, goth, vampire - and he says, 'I work with people just like me.' He's played and worked with plenty of successful bands and he's been a pastor for 32 years. 'At times I've had death threats and had to have bodyguards against Christians who've labelled me satanic.'
On this All Hallow's Eve, I'll finish by telling you about the church Pastor Bob has been involved with in London: the Church of the Glorious Undead.
Wow he sounds like a cool guy. I can imagine that his ministry must be both fascinating and satisfying.
Liz, I love reading your posts about Zac's Place. Is Pastor Bob a part of the emerging church movement or does he do his own thing? Emerging church is big over your way and really starting to grow here. Anyway, as jams says, he sounds like a cool guy.
Mary, try www.sanctuary.ws
It's the website for his ministry. He's based in Nashville I think.
Sounds an interesting man.
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