We went not really having any plans for the day. The cottage we were visiting is run as a retreat by its resident owner, Jenny, a counsellor for 25 years. And it showed. Sorry, that sounds very ungrateful but you can pick out a counsellor at 10 yards. And that wasn't what I was there for.
The others all seemed happy and two especially found it very beneficial. For my part, I was glad to be in the surroundings, in the company of Zac's Girls, and to find out a little more about people who are becoming friends. A good day.
Know what you mean about counsellors, Liz. Sometimes they do like to practice their skills, like it or not.
And are they always called 'Jenny'? The ones I know are!
(Harvey inspired word verification today: dogpaxt)
The cottage looks lovely ! I like them so very much it reminds me the time I spent in England when my son lived in London for 6 years.
Thanks for all your comments ! Nice to meet you.
Haha! You said something I said myself only the other day "wet rain"...we had had some rain a couple of weeks earlier and I was trying to describe the day to a friend who wasn't here at the time...explaining it was "wet rain"....very misty and moist, which permeated all around. I'm not sure if I made sense, but I knew what I was trying to say! ;)
Now that's the first sign of a little bit of girly cattiness I've ever seen in you, Liz. Actually, Chris and you are right - they are a type without a doubt.
Beautiful cottage, by the way.
Nice pictures. Zac's girls, sounds nice. When is the tour?
Chris, Jenny must be a very therapeutic name!
The cottage was lovely, Gattina, although if it had been pouring with rain it might not have been so pleasant!
Lee, we understand each other!
James, me catty? meow.
A tour sounds good, Steve. We'll have to give it some thought...
I agree with Chris. They all have the same intonation... and ask the same questions, which aren't really questions, but are designed to make you answer them anyway!
Looks lovely bring on August we have two weeks in a cottage in Dorset to look forward to.
Lovely pics, Liz. Like the comment about counsellors - though I have had occasion to go to them.
Apropos §1 on 'truth'
may I point your readers to
Galatians 4:16 ;-) ?
The 'consellors' I have known al seemed to have their own reasons to need to be needed. True counselling is a gift rather than a skill...someone much more like a lady I know in Swansea.
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