"The advance of the citizen journalist means that, hopefully, 'the truth' will be more likely to come out in the future."
Guido Fawkes, blogger, as quoted in August's Writers' News magazine.
If bloggers are making it into such august publications then what is the world coming to?
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Last month's Writing magazine (yes, I'm catching up on my reading) reported that the author of a self-published book previously being sold at the Steam Railway Museum in Swindon has been told that the book will no longer be stocked unless she takes out Public Liability insurance of £2,000,000. That's in case 'the book falls apart and gouges someone's eye out'.
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July's Writing magazine reported that you can buy wallpaper that looks like books on bookshelves.
Thanks for the roundup Liz, I don't know whether to go for the bookshelves or the frocks. Well maybe neither.
I'd prefer books on my wall every time, as you might guess, liz!
A book gouging someone's eye out...I thought paper was relatively soft and unable to be used as a deadly weapon. Although I suppose a lot could be done with a page corner, notwithstanding paper cuts. Aren't we becoming a ridiculously litigious society?
As for the wallpaper...I'd rather wear my clothes and read my books. Spoil sport, aren't I?
Forgive me, Liz, if I misunderstand you but are you saying bloggers canot be fine writers?
Not at all, James! I was just surprised that such a - what is the word I am looking for? - conservative isn't quite right - traditional magazine would quote from one. There are some very fine writers blogging - you included!
jmb and Welshcakes - shall I tell you how much? About £150 for a 3 metre length! Apparently the books are very popular.
Robyn, we certainly are becoming ridiculously litigious.
If the Swindon steam do dah have done that risk assessment and consider that a threat then she should argue that she'll pay for a sign or a sticker on each book warning the purchasers of the possibility it'll poke their eye out. By the way - where the hell is the case history to support this?
Secondly take out the insurance - I have £1million of public liability insurance myself - it came free when insuring my guitars and that is a small sum compared with the cost of replacing them.
Basically it just gives you money to pay a lawyer to argue it was somebody else who was negligent... :-)
How mad though!
Consider yourself tagged...Sorry!!
Over the weekend I could have used wallpaper with an air conditioner on it.
I so agree with 'puss-in-boots'!! Her comment says it all.
Books, books, books...I have books everywhere! I've run out of places to put my books and I keep buying more! I also have clothes everywhere...I've run out of wardrobe space, too!
I don't need wallpaper to cover my walls as I have no space left on my walls!
Who knows, Liz.
Maybe you'll be in the September edition!
I think it's likely that someone in number ten reads Guido every day, as they will all the larger bloggers.
I despair !! how our world has changed.
Best wishes
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