YS is 22; I am so pleased he can still hunt for chickenraptors.
A couple of months ago I took a 4-year-old for a walk. As we entered the woods, I said, 'Let's have an adventure! let's go a dragon hunt!'
He looked at me pityingly and said, 'Dragons aren't real.'
'Oh. Okay... what about hippopotamuses then?!'
He finally agreed to search for stick snakes.
Even though I have bought him books since he was a baby, he's not a story-lover. He's turned me down every time - even when he's had nothing else to do - when I've suggested reading a story to him. I suppose the fact that his parents aren't readers doesn't help, but it's so sad and limiting to a child's imagination.
Younger Son has laid first claim to the new Harry Potter book that comes out in 15 days and counting. He told me he has been waiting for this book for years. He can't wait to read it but he doesn't want to read it either - because that's the end. (I felt like that about West Wing Season 7.)
He has some very detailed theories about how HP will end. I will have to re-read book 6 again to remind myself of what's what. When YS has finished it - for the millionth time - that is.
When does no5 come out in the cinema? I read the last few chapters of that one last night ready to begin no6 tonight. I think it gets going in no6 again, doesn't it? I know how YS feels; it will be a shame to come to the end. What's next for JK?! Tempting to lay around beside the pool in her mansion all day, don't you think?
i mean lounge
Also, did he actually find out what was kept in the cage? Is that not slightly worrying?
Hi Liz, don't worry, I just want to correct the impression about the Philippines ;) I hope I didn't sound so rude.
=) nina
I agree with you, Liz. I find it sad that a child's imagination is stifled. And I'm a huge believer of children reading
Some fantasy is good for us all.
I felt like that about WW7 too so I sympathise with YS.
I wonder if Ruari on the Archers believes in dragons? What do you think of the latest storyline, Liz? I think I've had enough of "St Jennifer" myself.
Grrrr, blogger is acting up again. "Eating" my comments.
I can't wait for HP7 to come out. I think it's sad that a four-year-old is not interested in stories. Hard to understand, isn't it?
Your son and my daughter are like-minded when it comes to Harry Potter. She's almost 31 and has loved them all...keeps telling me I've GOT to read them but they don't interest me in the least, just like the "Lord of the Rings" books never intrigued me either. Not my cup of tea, I guess you could say. And to think the lady who wrote the Potter books used to be a welfare mum. There's hope for us yet, Liz!!!
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