Thursday, July 05, 2007

Meet Spid II

He lives under the computer shelf in the study. He comes out most evenings to keep me company. I like to think that he's the son of late-lamented Spid I, who was eaten when Charlie Cat came to visit.

As you can see, it's an ideal environment for him with all the dust and cobwebs on the floor. We don't intrude on each other's space and that suits me fine: Spid II is rather large.


Lee said...

I've got quite a few of his cousins living down here with me. Pass on their good wishes to Spid 11.

Ingrid said...

Brrrk, I am afraid of spiders and get hysterical ! but fortunately my cat is there she likes spiders plays with them and then eats them, disgusting, lol !

Anonymous said...

I felt a shiver go through me when I saw this pic. I'm afraid as he wouldn't fit into my spider catcher, he would have to have the telephone directory squashed on top of him.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh, no! He is quite harmless, as I say, as long as he keeps to his bit of the room. Come any closer and it's 'shoo, shoo, go back!'

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I'd be out of there!

Shades said...

He's a big fella!

Joy Des Jardins said...

I have to give you credit Liz...I don't think I'd let him stick around...he looks pretty big to me. You are much braver than I am when it comes to spiders...and more benevolent.

marymaryquitecontrary said...

Oh, NO.. Liz in my house it would be one swipe with kitchen roll, and a flush down the loo.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Liz, he'd be learning to swim in the Atlantic (or wherever Bristol wastewater goes) by now if he dared enter this flat.

Before you say I'm cruel, not long ago a large cousin of Spid's crawled across me as I settled to sleep...those legs did NOT tickle me in a nice way.

Puss-in-Boots said...

I have some of his rellies living around my way, too.

Furtheron said...

He looks very like Boris. Boris has lived behind the outside light right next to our front door for years. How long can spiders like him live? Boris has been around at least 11 years... :-)

Anonymous said...

My wife would call me to take care of the little critter. I don't mind spiders, she hates them.

Anonymous said...

I love your little friend. I had a relative of his living behind my bathroom door for such a long time. And then one day, I accidentally vacuumed him up. I was so upset.

James Higham said...

Repeat after me: "Liz is not strange, Liz is not strange ..."

Ruthie said...

You don't squish him?

Good heavens... I'd be running away squealing like a little girl!