Thursday, February 08, 2007

War and peace

I don't know much about Islam. I've heard respected imams talking about it on the radio and they claim that it is a peaceful religion. But I imagine in most writings it's possible to find something that seems to encourage violence.

An eye for an eye.

But Jesus was quite plain when he spoke about the subject.

Love your neighbour as yourself.
'Who is my neighbour?'
Your enemy is your neighbour.
'But he keeps upsetting me!
Forgive him.
'I've tried that but he keeps on doing it.'
Forgive him 70 times 7 times.

It's not an easy creed. It's not a 'let's love everybody and give them flowers' creed; it's an everyday living creed. It's hard.

Sean talked about this in Zac's on Tuesday, and lots of people joined in the discussion. For some it seemed almost easy. 'This is what we have to do so, with God's help, I'll do it.' For others it seemed an impossible task.

Our Father, ... Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

If it depends on me forgiving first, then I'm done for; forever condemned. What's more I have to live with guilt and unforgiveness in my heart, a burden to weigh me down.

God knows we're weak but a willing heart is all he seeks. If I can just choose to ask for help to make me want to forgive, then the process of forgiveness has begun. It's a long, long way from outright forgiveness but it's a start.

There seems to be so much more to say. Taking the step from personal actions to state deeds. Too much to say here.

Let peace come and let it begin with me.


Hootin Anni said...

Hi Liz. Your blog has been added to the blogroll!
[and if you want the graphic you can add it...that's up to you. Some just want the blogroll while others just the graphic and some even both! So, it's your choice to add it or not]

I was deeply touched by the Marine entry you added for us to read....this is sad, so sad.

Anonymous said...

Just FYI, the Vatican has its own guillotine which stands 12 feet tall and is kept in perfect working order. The Vatican's last public executioner, Giovanni Battista Bugatti, was nicknamed 'Mastro Titta'. The Italian poet Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli penned several satirical sonnets in his honor. The most famous elegized Mastro Titta as a swift cure for a headache.

Of course , the death penalty is only used by barbaric nations nowadays such as the USA. In the UK, I believe, there are are still 6 crimes for which the death penalty (hanging) theoretically applies, it being merely suspended (for want of a better word).

Forgive my sarcasm...

Elsie said...

I keep trying, but it isn't easy. Why does it seem easier to ask forgiveness than to forgive?