Saturday, February 03, 2007

Eat less, get slim

There was a programme on television last night about dieting; it was part of the Truth about Food series.

It involved a variety of dieting myths/truths being put to the scientific test. Some were interesting: protein is the food that fills you for longest; the larger your serving, the more you're likely to eat; drinking a glass of water before eating doesn't fill you up; and a diet rich in calcium will make help your digestive system get rid of more fat.

I missed the first bit of the programme where they talked about slow metabolism, but, basically, I think they said it's a myth. If you take in more calories/energy than you use up, you'll store it as fat. Full stop. Nothing to do with speedy or slothlike metabolism. Thin people eat less.

All very interesting but apparently the buzz word in dieting circles is 'satiated', meaning full, I guess. All the experiments seemed to revolve around what fills us up most and keeps us feeling full for longest. What stops us being hungry.

The trouble is I don't get hungry.

I eat because it's meal time or I feel like it or I'm miserable or bored. I don't think I'd recognise hunger. So things that stop me feeling hungry won't really help me.

Just not eating would be more effective.

Eleven weeks to the wedding. Okay, must take this seriously now.


Lee said...

Everything in moderation as they say...I do believe one eats more sometimes because of boredom or a particular mood.

There are so many diets around and fitness programmes on tv, I get bored by they are the cause! ;)

Puss-in-Boots said...

I just love food...sigh. However, I very rarely eat junk food, mainly because I don't like it.

Joy Des Jardins said...

I'm trying to diet right now...again! It's my cross to bear in life. The key is moderation...for sure. Always a challenge. Well what do I expect...I don't smoke or drink...I've got to have some vice. Diets...I hate them.

Anonymous said...

Hi. New voice here Eat to live not the other way around. Although Me don't believe in what the TV tells me, Me does read that many diet books have it wrong. Thin people do not eat less, in fact there have been studies that thinner folks actually take in more calories than heavy folks. It's not how much you eat it's how and what you consume that counts

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

My great aunt used to say: "There's only one way to get thin - push the food away from you". I think the programme was right about metabolism . I have a friend who could eat chocolate spread with lard all day and never put on an ounce. He was in a sedantary job and we all used to wonder how this could be. Then we realised he was working out every spare minute! I think there was a war a long time ago and thin people won it!