Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A new day

Just checking in to say, 'I made it through the night!' Without even a twinge of indigestion. And, as far as I can tell, with a regularly-beating heart. Even my Wales flag is waving merrily after it nearly disappeared yesterday.

Unless, of course, I did die and this is heaven.

I wouldn't mind if heaven was just like this but I would prefer it if Harvey could lose a few years and not be incontinent. I would hate to think that in heaven I would still have to clear up dog poo. (He's asleep in the hall at the moment so don't tell him I told you about his little problem.)

Now, today, I need to scour charity shops for an old lady's hat. Not that Mam is old but she is old-fashioned.


Anna said...

Are you doing your monologue in character? When is it you're reading?

Anna said...

If they WILL make the letters so squiffy, what do they expect? Silly thing.