Monday, July 31, 2006


We had the last of four salsa lessons on Friday. We missed the third one but it didn't make a lot of difference to the way we dance.

Our teacher - a bonny girl from Cardiff - decided to teach us her signature move. It involves shimmying. She explained this by saying, 'Imagine someone is holding a tray in front of you. Starting with your upper chest, you have to make each part of your body touch it in turn as it travels down and up again.'

Easy peasy. If you're a contortionist. And not an inhibited Britisher.

She told us about her friend, Nigel, a 6'2" black instructor on whom you can watch the muscles ripple one at a time as the shimmy moves down and up.

(Bother, I just had to open the door to the postman in my nightie - he looked very fetching.)

She wouldn't tell us where he taught though.

Salsa is a very sexy dance. Or could be if done properly and not by a crowd of mainly middle-aged overweight women, one of whom asked husband to stop wiggling his bum as it was distracting her. He shimmied with pride (or would have done if he could have) and wiggled it all the more. Men were highly-prized being outnumbered in the class by 10 to 1.

But now the class has finished as has circuit training for the summer so my flabby little muscles will flab even more.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We went to see Pirates of the Caribbean II on Saturday night; it was sold out. So we came home and watched the last two episodes of Doctor Who that we'd recorded and not had a chance to view. Slightly disappointing I think. Cybermen and daleks? Surely such a talented writer (he's a Swansea boy, y'know) could have created a new threat?

Then yesterday while ironing I watched Last of the Summer Wine Series 1. It is amazing how much it has changed. Compo and Clegg were there, of course, but smoking almost non-stop! And swearing. And Clegg was much less of a mouse. And instead of Howard and Marina there are the librarian and his lovely (married) assistant. And, in one episode it was raining! I was under the impression it was always sunny and bright in the Yorkshire hills. Just like in Derby. My mother-in-law swears it only ever rains when I am there as I take it with me. The sun shines the rest of the time.

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