Monday, April 24, 2006

The woman with one brain

I woke up this morning with a brain!

The ideas came flooding in! (Well, one and a half sort of trickled in.) I'm on fire!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, give it a few years and you'll find out. Unfortunately my brain didn't help me in my attempt to get toothpaste on my gum. I have a sensitive tooth and the dentist suggested rubbing a blob of toothpaste directly on the exposed bit at the bottom - yes, I am getting long in the tooth. I think dentists should be made to practise anything they recommend; perhaps then they would be less free with their silly advice.

My blob of Sensodyne ended up on the newly-painted bathroom wall.

And my tooth still twinges.

P.S. Did you know that St. George is the patron saint of syphilis?

P.P.S. Is there anyone better than Cream for air guitar?

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