Thursday, December 30, 2021

My sort of man

I saw this rather wonderful image on Twitter and had to share it. I don't know who George was or where this bench is but what a brilliant memorial.

 And here's my Christmas cake with slightly flattened polar bear. But you notice the effects of global warming on the iceberg?

I don't think this is due to global warming but it is coincidental that this is the second time this bit of path has been so badly flooded as to be impassable since a new tarmac path was laid.


Marie Smith said...

Rest in peace, George! Lol.

Boud said...

George sounds like quite a character!

And that flooding is a local example of what happens when you lay blacktop and interfere with drainage. Can it be fixed by whoever is in charge of it? I'd be inclined to make a bit of a fuss.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear, how did your polar bear get squished? And bravo to George's relatives who clearly have a sense of humour!