Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year's Eve!

Regular readers of this blog will have had enough of me and my emotional ups and down over this last year, so rather than look back I'm going to look forward.

Resolutions, dreams, goals, vague 'I would like rather like to do this' notions. Now's the time of year for it. So here goes. In 2022 I would like to:

publish the memoir I've been ghost-writing for the last umpteen years: it's finished just waiting for final approval, checks, and a cover;

complete the book for GrandSon4 I started while standing in the vaccination queue: again it's almost finished just needs final tinkering;

think about publishing my two other completed novels;

finish writing the novel I began during November in MyWriMo.

Could be a busy writing/publishing year!

Will also do my best to continue avoiding Covid, and being a good granny. But maybe my main resolution should be the one I talk about on my next podcast.

We're all familiar I'm sure with the words of the flight attendant as he gives his pre-flight safety talk. 'In the event of a drop in cabin pressure oxygen masks will fall down. Fit your own before helping children or other people.' Because you need to be able to breathe before you can help others. 

Similarly when Jesus says, 'Love your neighbour as yourself,' the 'as yourself' bit is important. We need to love ourselves in order to better love our neighbours. And that's my resolution: to fight the lies that sneak into my head and instead to believe that I am loveable and loved.

Even if that is as hard as trying to stop biting my nails. (My annual resolution for tens of years until I realised it wasn't working.)

What are your hopes and dreams for 2022?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a great resolution, Liz! I'm not making any resolutions because I am perfect just the way I am. No, seriously, LOL!

Kathy G said...

Thanks for the reminder that I need to take care of myself before I can be any good to anyone else.