Monday, March 10, 2025

Just tamping

These are the pieces I have left.

And this is the jigsaw.

You get my point?

I know that buying jigsaws from a charity shop is a risk; several times I've found I'm missing the odd piece. But this is ridiculous! What happened to the jigsaw that it ended up missing so many pieces and, more importantly, why did anyone think it would be a good idea to donate it to a charity shop?

I don't think I can even be bothered to try and fit the pieces that are left. Mutter, mutter. 

* * * * *

Okay, obviously I couldn't give up on it. I've fitted in all the remaining pieces except one, which doesn't go anyway. That suggests I have another piece in the wrong place . . . but I don't care!

I'm not sure if 'tamping' meaning very cross is a particularly Welsh phrase. Do you know it?

* * * * *

Husband gets tired early and goes to sleep quickly. I read until late and as a result I'm sleepy in the mornings Husband wakes up at a time I consider early (about 7.00 am). He nudges me. "A cup of tea would be nice."

Now he has brought me tea in bed almost every day of our married life. I owe him this reciprocation. I wonder how long I can hold back my retort.

* * * * *

Now, all those things that need to go on the Sainsburys order that I didn't need to write down because I'd remember them . . .


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Just another reason jigsaws can be so frustrating!

Anvilcloud said...

If I ever nudged my wife at 7 . . .

Anonymous said...

My mum uses the word ‘tamping’ . We have Welsh heritage but she is the only person here in the Midlands that I have heard it from

Liz Hinds said...

But not a usual one.

Liz Hinds said...

I know, AC, I know.

Liz Hinds said...

Interesting. It's not a word I often use but it seemed appropriate.