Sunday, February 23, 2025

Wigwam bam

Sainsburys offers a delivery Saver Slot. That means you choose a four-hour slot and they let you know on the day when your order will be delivered. Today at eight forty I peered blearily at my emails to find the order was coming between 9.04 and 10.04. 

By nine o'clock I was showered and dressed. By nine thirty I had changed my bed linen, put in washing, frozen some rissoles (more later), and reported non-collection of rubbish recycling to the council.

Five minutes later

And now the order has been delivered and put away and it's jigsaw time, or as I said to myself this morning, "Must take my good glasses downstairs to do my wigwam."

But first, inspired by Daughter's cheese and leek pasty, and Boud's patties, last night for dinner I made cheese and broccoli rissoles.

I wanted to use up some veg so, to be accurate, they were potato, sweet potato, onion, broccoli, and cheese rissoles. And very nice they were with some beans.

Husband's face still swollen and sore (he tells me) so they gave him an ice pack last night, and that helped a bit. Hoping the lockdown will be lifted tomorrow so I can go and see him.

And in rugby news, Wales lost but they played like a team you could be proud of, giving this rugby-loving nation some hope for the future.


Anvilcloud said...

Boud is quite an example to follow.

Marie Smith said...

Boud is an inspiration! Hope you get to see your husband today!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those rissoles look de-lish!

Boud said...

Good for you all round -- that was a hyper productive time. I'm glad the croquette was good. That's posh speak for patty! Costs you more in a restaurant.