Wednesday, February 12, 2025

What I know about Denise's puppy

I get home from Zac's this afternoon, stop the car, and a motherly Welsh voice I don't recognise comes out of the speakers*. "Bless his cotton socks. Well, phone me if you need to."

I go into the house and ask Husband, "Were you just on the phone?"
"Who were you talking to?"
"Denise? Who's Denise?"
"She was telling me she's taking her puppy to the vet to have his (male bits) removed."
"Who's Denise?"
"You could hear us in the car, could you?"
"Who's Denise?!"

Turns out Denise is the secretary to some other heart surgeons. Husband's surgeon's secretary is off so calls are going through to her. And apparently she was lovely and chatty, hence the conversation about puppies. 

Unfortunately she wasn't able to give Husband any good news. Not only are there lots of emergencies, many staff are off ill as well, and the real clincher: some of the operating theatres are out of action because of something to do with the anaesthetics not working. It is chaos there. So it goes from bad to worse.

But Denise has given Husband her direct number, and, as I mentioned at the start, an invitation to phone her any time.

* When the car is on and outside the house it seems to pick up Husband's phone calls - not that he has many but recently a couple have coincided with me being in the car either coming or going. Technology and life continue to prove to be a mystery to me.

* * * * *

Have you ever looked closely at a storm trooper? They are very strange as I have discovered doing my latest jigsaw, Storm Troopers on Tour.

And this is a bit late as it's a Christmas postbox but I only saw it recently.


Anvilcloud said...

How are you actually hearing it in the car? Over the car phone? Over the radio speaker?

Polly said...

I've heard phone conversations in cars that I've been parked next to.

Kathy G said...

If the surgery situation wasn't so serious you could be laughing at all the snafus.

Liz Hinds said...

I have no idea, AC! Over the radio speaker somehow.

Liz Hinds said...

Over your speaker?

Liz Hinds said...

Indeed, it is laughable.

Ann said...

I've never heard of being able to hear a conversation that's taking place inside, in your car.
I'm baffled by a woman who would give her personal phone number out to people to call any time too.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she’s lonely? New in town? Looking for a love connection?