Friday, February 07, 2025

What Dr Who and I have in common

Apparently David Tennant and I have something in common: we both have a condition called polydactyly.

In other words we both have eleven toes.

Wikipedia lists famous people with polydactyly: David Tennant isn't on it; nor am I. In fact I don't know any of the 'famous' people on the list. 

But the idea that Anne Boleyn had six fingers is a myth put about after her death. Another question we got wrong in the quiz last Saturday.

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Email to the heart consultant's secretary yesterday brought the usual reply: I'll talk to the doctor about it. And then silence.


Ann said...

The secretary's reply reminds me of the old "The check is in the mail" response.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I did not know that about David Tenant! Or you, for that matter! Interesting!

PipeTobacco said...

My first comment had too damn many typographical errors for my comfort…..

Cool! Is your extra toe mobile? Sometimes it is nothing more than just a fleshy tag, but other times it is fully bony, muscular and movable. And, if it is a fully movable toe, did it develop a traditional toe nail or was that somehow aberrant?


Abby said...

Which foot has the extra? Or does each foot have half a toe?? We must know!