Before I leave the house in the morning I make sure my hair is brushed and I am clean and tidy, though rarely smart.
In the shop I catch a glimpse in the mirror of a scruffy, haggard-looking woman. "Poor woman," I think before I realise it's me. What happened in the interval? Or do I really look like that?
* * * * *
In church yesterday a woman approached me and said, "I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your whatsapp comments (on the church whatspp group). You're so honest."
And I think, "Oh no, what have I said now that I probably shouldn't have said?" Fortunately she continued, "I find myself saying, yes, I feel like that too."
So maybe I do own up to more than I should but it seems to be helpful to others. Putting a positive spin on it: I say what others think.
Blurry snowdrops. I haven't got the hang of my phone yet.
I love snow drops and have very little luck with them. I've planted hundreds and maybe three or four come up. One year they came up, flowered and faded, all under the snow, never saw them!
I've had similar problems when I've planted snowdrops. They seem to do better when they're just doing their own thing.
Your amaryllis is lovely, My snowdrops disappeared years ago - mice, I think.
I have no recollection of planting them where they're growing. It's just nature's magic.
I am always spotting a very old looking woman in my mirror and wondering why she keeps stalking me.
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