Wednesday, February 05, 2025


A slightly shorter walk today as it wasn't one of Husband's better days but good to get out in the fresh air.

In Zac's last night Sean introduced me to someone as the conscience and sanity of Zac's. "Sanity? I've never been called that before."

Stu added, "When we say we're going to do something she makes sure we do it."
"You mean I nag!"

* * * * *

Today marks fifty-three years since my mum died. I woke up thinking about it. It was strange because other years I don't even notice the date.


Boud said...

That's quite a tribute to your efforts! I wonder why the date occurred to you this year, maybe other stresses have brought it to mind.

Janie Junebug said...

That's quite a compliment. No one will ever say I'm the sanity of anything. Crazed loon who should be locked up, yes, but never sanity.


Liz Hinds said...

Possibly, yes, Boud.

Liz Hinds said...

I was surprised! Might even say insulted!

Chuck Pergiel said...

53 years? That must have been hard on you.

jabblog said...

That's a nice accolade.

Marie Smith said...

Great compliments that you deserve, Liz.

Kathy G said...

My mom died several decades ago. I never remember her death date.

PipeTobacco said...

I can understand having the death date realization. The dates are etched in my mind. Both in March…. 31 years for my Dad and 18 for my Mom.


Ann said...

That's a nice tribute to you.