Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Queen of the South

So I woke up this morning feeling sort of bleufft. Nothing in particular, just bleurgfft. Fine physically just a bit out of sorts mentally. 

I went to the new exercise class again and it turns out that once every five weeks they do relaxation. So there was chair yoga, relaxation, and colouring. All of which probably did me good but I would have preferred something physical, preferably involving punching.

Now I've just made some blueberry muffins for Zac's and I'm about to start a new jigsaw. Oh yes, and I designed an advert, and finished my article for the Gower Community Magazine.

* * * * *

On our walk yesterday Husband and I were discussing rugby and the way Wales and Scotland in particular seem to have fallen behind, not just in skill but, and one probably leads to the other, in investment. Husband said how sad it was with Wales' great rugby history, and somehow from there we began talking about Scottish football clubs. Immediately I was back in the kitchen of Albert House, my childhood home, with Grampie sitting in his usual chair in the corner, marking his pools coupon as the wireless announcer gave the football results.

Stenhousemuir, Arbroath, Queen of the South, Alloa, Forth, Fife, Hibernian. Names of Scottish football clubs I've not given a thought to since I was a child, they all came flooding back.

But ask me what I did yesterday . . .

* * * * *

Facebook has been behaving very strangely for me. On my pc when I start up in the morning Facebook comes on as normal but if I close it and open again only the first three posts show up. The rest of the page flickers and taunts with what might be but then goes blank. It's been like this for three days now. I've cleared my cache, logged off and logged on, all the recommendations from the internet. I can access it normally on my phone but on my pc not a chance.

Oh, yes, but the curry and quiz night raised £410 for Zac's!


Boud said...

I remember the football results on the radio, nobody allowed to speak as parents checked their Littlewoods or Vernons entries. Hamilton Academicals!
Good going on the fundraising. I hope that's the net figure.

jabblog said...

The reading of the football results was akin to the broadcasting of the Shipping Forecast - rhythmic and familiar, a sign that all was well with the world.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mmmm, I could go for one of those blueberry muffins right now!

Liz Hinds said...

It is, yes, Boud. Even after all we spent! Ah, I forgot Hamilton!

Liz Hinds said...

You're right, Janice, it was.

Liz Hinds said...

I am trying to resist!

Boud said...

My QiGong exercises include punching! I love it, Punching with Angry Eyes, my favorite.

Anvilcloud said...

I sometimes have my fb feed a bit truncated.

Ann said...

I have been feeling a bit of the same today. I wonder if punching something would help

Liz Hinds said...

I think it would!

Liz Hinds said...

This is just weird though.

Kathy G said...

Congratulations on the nice profit for Zac's.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you, Kathy!

Cop Car said...

I don’t punch things but, if very frustrated, will take a hammer out to the garage, grab a scrap board, and beat it without mercy - or until I start feeling silly.