Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Finding life hard?

A wild windy walk with Daughter and dogs today. Just what I needed. I got up and thought, oh, I can't walk today, I have too much to do. The 'too much' was only putting away clothes and sorting out washing etc but it grew into a mountain in my head. So I was glad I went.

In the car on the way there I turned on the radio and it was the morning service. The woman leading it was saying, "If you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list, and the weight you're carrying is heavy . . ." and I said, "Yes!"

"Commit the day to God, let Jesus carry your burdens." 

It was such perfect timing that I had to smile. So I prayed, "Help me to commit everything to you, help me to let go of my burdens." Like the man in the gospel who said, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief." I know they'll sneak back in every now and again but for today I'm back on top.

Husband update: seeing the dentist at 12.30 today. What is said there will determine what happens next to a certain extent. The surgeon called in yesterday; said he's busy this week but will see when they can fit Husband in after that. The ward consultant advised him to stay away from people - and then he was moved from his own room into a ward with five others as they needed the single room for someone else. Such is the state of the NHS.

Husband had chest pains last night. Called the nurse who did an ecg and called the doctor who upped his medicine. Operation can't come soon enough.

* * * * *

Went to the charity shop to get a jigsaw. Came away with four jigsaws and four books, all for £14, which is less than the price of one new jigsaw. I'm saving so much money!



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hugs to you and Husband during this difficult time.

Marie Smith said...

Glad you are some taking time for yourself, Liz. Sending a hug from this island to yours! Praying for surgery for your husband soon!

Boud said...

Walking is excellent for stressful times, so I'm glad you did it. And I hope that surgery happens soon, but at least he's there in the hospital where he can summon a nurse.

Anvilcloud said...

The wait is very concerning.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad to know you heard a message from God.
I hope your hubs gets help soon - what do his teeth have to do with surgery?
I am doing a puzzle now myself.

Ann said...

That was a perfect message that you heard on the radio

Kathy G said...

There are no accidents-you heard that service at exactly the right time.

Chris said...

Sometimes with out asking God pops into our lives to remind us He's there.. hope your husband improves.