Friday, February 21, 2025

A little break

My plan to go for a walk before visiting Husband this morning was scuppered when I looked out of the window and saw the pouring rain. The second part of my plan was also scuppered soon after when Husband messaged to say there'd been another case of norovirus and the ward was in complete lockdown. No visitors.

So there I was in my dress and bright yellow tights - worn to either cheer the place up or make people laugh - and nowhere to go. And nothing to do. (I'm keeping away from people for a couple of days too, just in case.) A day in which I was all on my own and could do whatever I wanted to! Apart from visit Husband obviously. So what to do? What to do, what to do?

First of all, change into slopping-around-the-house clothes, then potter briefly before settling down with jigsaw. Then because Husband had one last night and I had loads of milk - I thought I'd cancelled today's but obviously not - I made a custard tart. I used the sort of right size tin but next time I'll go smaller. It's very thin. I will save some for Husband, in the hope I can see him before I eat it all, but will warn him to avoid the crust. Just a little bit crunchy.

Bit more jigsaw, okay, a lot more jigsaw by which time it was 4.30 and the rain had stopped so I went for a little stroll down to Blackpill and back along the beach, gathering shells and other bits as I went along. 

Mermaid's purse, the egg case of a member of the shark family, probably dogfish.

Razor shells, cockles, mussels, oyster, seaweed, coal, other fish egg cases, barnacles, slipper limpet, whelks, periwinkle, and tellina. (I had to look up a couple.)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've never heard of a "Mermaid's purse" before -- very cool!

Marie Smith said...

I hope you are virus free, Liz! Great collection of shells.

Anvilcloud said...

The hospital situation is concerning.

Ann said...

That's too bad that they had another case of the virus. At least it isn't your husband.
That's a great collection of treasures you found.

Cop Car said...

You are constantly teaching, Liz - this time, not only about egg cases but by confirming my suspicion of the past few years that your custard tarts are what I would call custard pies - only on a smaller scale when referred to on "As Time Goes By". Thanks for the photos. I haven't had custard pie in several decades. My dad made them on occasion.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh no - they had another case. I sure hope your husband will be safe. I like you sea shells.