Monday, January 13, 2025

Techno stuff

First day of my holiday began with me tidying up before my cleaner came. I do more tidying in the hour before she arrives than I do the fortnight in between. Also put in washing, and considered fitness trackers. Not for me but as a present.

Am bemused when I read one such tracker can be used to remotely control your phone to take a photo.

As if that isn't baffling enough I do what I've been half-heartedly trying to do for almost a year: I install Microsoft 365. (I think.) I had it as a perk of being a trustee but haven't been able to work out what it does that is so great - until today! 

There is something called OneNote - yes, you probably already know about it - and I can write and draw on it. In fact it says you use it to replace your paper notebook, after I had googled to find out what it was for. Well, that's not going to happen but I had a fun five minutes doodling.

But on another page it says, Coming Soon! The Microsoft 365 app will become the Microsoft 365 Copilot app with a new URL

Obviously as soon as I get to grips with one piece of technology they're going to replace it.

In other news did you know that it is Mr Webster, of dictionary fame, who is responsible for Americans spelling things wrongly? He took the u out of colour etc. He also had a lot of other crazier ideas that were stomped on otherwise American might have been a completely different language.


Boud said...

My house is pretty tidy right before my cleaning family arrive, too! I'm paying them to do what I can't, ie clean floors etc, so I don't mind doing the bit I can.
I'm usually behind the curve on things techie, too, despite being pretty good on this stuff. As soon as I figure out a function they decide well if she's got it, it's time to change, she's so slow.

jabblog said...

I really should get a cleaner . . .

Anvilcloud said...

We can take phone photos with our iWatches.