Sunday, January 26, 2025

In which Husband seeks to reassure me

It was my fault. I started it by saying, "A fallen tree is exciting."

We don't have any but we live behind an island of trees so I was imagining one falling. (This, the second storm in four days, has mostly missed us again although the trees are swaying around.)

Husband then pointed out that the tallest one, the one nearest to us was the most likely one to fall.

"But it wouldn't reach us, would it?" says I.
"Hm, probably. But it depends which way the wind is blowing."

Now I'm up and looking out of the window every five minutes.

"But we're insured against falling trees, aren't we?"
"Now that is one of the universe's big questions."

* * * * *

One piece missing from what was for me and for a charity shop an expensive jigsaw at £6.50.


Anonymous said...

Sad that there was one 🧩 missing 😞. But also that is expensive!!!

Kathy G said...

That wasn't much of a reassurance, but Husband gets points for trying.

jabblog said...

The missing piece was annoying. We're surrounded by big oak trees, so every time the wind gets up, we worry.

Marie Smith said...

The two trees in our backyard have given us pause too.

nick said...

Two of our trees were brought down by Storm Eowyn, a eucalyptus and a pittosporum. They both had shallow roots that were no match for those ferocious winds. I don't think we'll replace them, because like you we kept wondering if they might come down.

Polly said...

That's a good jigsaw, I agree, pricy for a charity shop. Shame about the missing piece. I hope the trees stay put.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh well, at least the missing piece was off to the side, not in the middle of the image.

Anvilcloud said...

He's a bit of a tease, eh?

Ann said...

I would be checking on that tree every five minutes to make sure it was still standing.

Liz Hinds said...

I suppose because it was the Beatles.

Liz Hinds said...

But not many points!

Liz Hinds said...

I expect them to survive for ever that's the trouble.

Liz Hinds said...

I saw the photo. Such a shame.

Liz Hinds said...

Still there at the moment!

Liz Hinds said...

True, it could have been Paul's face!

Liz Hinds said...

That's one way of putting it, AC!

Liz Hinds said...

It's there but we're due another storm any minute!