Tuesday, January 07, 2025

A(nother) new beginning

New year, new start. A bit belatedly but I'm having a good day today, doing big things, and little things that only take a minute but that 'I'll do later'.

Daughter and Elder Son both adopted the wearing of sweatpants for home-working ages ago; today I joined them, and, my, aren't they comfortable? I also bought two new pairs of pj bottoms for evening lounging. I've been wearing the same pairs for years and both have lost their elastic and fall down so it's about time I splashed out. Not only that but I'm throwing the old ones away! Yes, not putting them back in the drawer 'just in case'.

Joining my pjs in the bin is my old weighing scales. Not the most reliable at the best of times, it's lost its perspex cover and is chipped as you see. I have a lovely new electronic one now but was hanging on to this, just in case. No more.

I've also made a cake, put in two loads of washing, hung out one, created a rota, written most of my article, and - most momentous - phoned someone. It wasn't a momentous phone call, rather it was the act of making a call. I hate phoning people! (It was perfectly fine and lovely and chatty, not an ordeal at all but you can bet the next time I have to do it I'll still put it off.)

The article I'm writing refers to this photo. Can you spot me in it?


Marie Smith said...

That is a great photo. I couldn’t find you though.

Boud said...

You're breaking eggs with a stick! I found a couple of little girls who might be you, but I need guidance.

jabblog said...

School photographs are the best! I defer phone calls, too, but usually enjoy then once they've started.

Chris said...

I can’t stand making phone calls I can prevaricate for a couple of months

Janie Junebug said...

You are the boy on the far left in the back row--the one who looks rather grumpy about having his photo taken and being forced to stand in the same row as the teacher. tee-hee Of course, I know you are one of the adorable little girls, but I don't know which one. Isn't it difficult to throw out stuff? On New Year's Day I cleaned out my sock drawer and actually got rid of socks I haven't worn in a few years because they didn't stay up or they were uncomfortable and didn't look good with my clothes. I amazed myself by marching to the kitchen wastebasket with them and tossing them in and not taking them right back out because I was thinking, I'll probably need these some day. If I haven't needed them in years, then I won't need them in the future. But now that I think about it again, maybe it was all a mistake . . .


Liz Hinds said...

I have a lot of knickers - some even have holes - that I'm hanging on to!

Liz Hinds said...

Front row.

Liz Hinds said...

What does breaking eggs with a stick mean? Front row.

Liz Hinds said...

It's weird, isn't it?

Liz Hinds said...

I wonder why we are like this.

Anvilcloud said...

I wear sweat pants at home, summer and winter. They are light enough for summer and just barely ok in winter. Sue dresses comfy but she has standards.

Ann said...

Good for you letting go of things. I have a hard time throwing things away.

Cop Car said...

My own abhorrence of making phone calls I blame on my youth. We had a crank phone box on the wall (out of the reach of youngsters) that connected us to a country line and were taught that only "grownups" might use that phone. I guess I don't yet feel like a grownup at age 87. I break into a nervous sweat at the thought of making a call or when the phone rings. At work, I would walk several buildings over before making a phone call.
Good for you, throwing things out.
No, I cannot identify the particular girl on the front row who bears your name.