Saturday, December 21, 2024

Good times

As school has broken up Elder Son and GrandSon1 came into Zac's yesterday to help with the food distribution so I swapped with Bryan so he was in the kitchen washing up and I was out where the action was. A man came to the window and asked to see the chef. They called Claire and the man said how good the chilli was. Claire told him I had made it. He repeated his comment and went on, "There was a bite to it at first and then the depth of flavour came through."

That made my day.

* * * * *

How is it possible to be left with six blue socks none of which match?

Before I could have a meltdown on the laundry front I changed to wrapping. And look at this:
Can you see the join?

Okay, you probably can if you look closely but how often do you get wrapping paper to line up so perfectly? Again, okay, you probably do if you're one of these perfect wrappers but for someone who's more of the 'that'll do' school, it's an unexpected achievement.

* * * * *
On Thursday after school I went to visit the young boy whose life I've been part of, through Zac's, almost since he was born. The last few years have been difficult for him but he seems happy or at least resigned to his situation now. 

He told me that when he talks about me to his friends in school he calls me his grandma. 


Boud said...

Awwww, a grandma honorary style! That's so good. I love how you keep up with him.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So many special moments -- the chili compliment, the perfect wrapping join, being an honorary grandma! And then those blue socks had to come along.

Anvilcloud said...

You're making a difference! 👍

Ann said...

Always good to get a compliment. I never get wrapping paper to line up like that.

Liz Hinds said...

I was 'awww' too, Boud.

Liz Hinds said...

I left them for Husband to sort out. They've disappeared now.

Liz Hinds said...

It's nice to hope that.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you, Kathy.

Liz Hinds said...

It was a first!