Saturday, November 09, 2024

And other things

A misty murky sort of day for our walk on Mumbles Hill this afternoon. On clear days you can see across the bay and up the valleys to the hills beyond. Not so today. Quite chilly too. Probably not one of my better ideas to wear shorts. 

The weather seems to have become colder recently, unsurprisingly as we're in November. I distracted myself from the cold by collecting the different colours of autumn.

Still a wide range from black through brown, orange, yellow, red, and green. Sloe, blackberries, gorse, fern, and other things.

* * * * *

I am still saddened by the Christian Right's support of that man, telling people that if they supported the un-Christian Democrats they would burn in hell. So much wrong in that sentence.

I am a Christian. I believe that abortion is sometimes necessary. I believe love is to be celebrated. I don't know where I stand on euthanasia. I have questions and doubts about all sorts of things but I know Jesus told us to love our neighbours, whoever or whatever they are*. It seems so simple. Why can't it be?

* Admittedly if I lived in 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue I might find that difficult come January. 


Boud said...

They're not Christian. They've weaponized the name.

Anvilcloud said...

I am no longer a Christian, but sometimes I find folk like you who walk the walk.

jabblog said...

I think Boud is right

Marie Smith said...

I don’t understand their support of him either. I feel sorry for them.

Kathy G said...

That's a lovely collection of colors.

Cop Car said...

Evan an avowed Atheist like me can find some good in a non-hypocritical Christian just as I can find good in people who are non-hypocritical non-Christian people of other religions. Hypocrisy is not admirable in any of us - admitting that it is difficult-to-impossible to rid ourselves of all hypocrisy.