Monday, October 21, 2024

Something strange this way comes

Something strange is happening.

I have two Facebook pages, one for me as me and one for me as author. There's not a lot of difference between them but I try to keep the authory one as more writing related. 

Just recently I've noticed I have lots of new followers every day on my author page. They're all male, and while I'd like to think my books are reaching a whole new audience, that seems less than likely. Especially as the spike in followers doesn't tie in with a spike in sales. 

I've checked my page in case it's been hacked and I'm inadvertently posting 'come hither' type images, but it seems fine to me, perfectly normal. If you're on facebook and you get a moment could you check in on lizhindsauthor please? Just in case.

Thank you. 

A photo from last year of autumn leaves.


Stuart Savory said...

Seems okay from here

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your FB author page looks fine to me. I suspect bots are spamming you with friend requests. I technically have a FB page (which I remain perpetually logged into just so I can see other FB pages) but I have never posted a single thing on it and I regularly get lots of friend requests. See? Bots.

jabblog said...

Just ignore the bots.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you. Flipping bots.

Liz Hinds said...

Will do.

Marie Smith said...

I suspect bots too, Liz. Ignore them.

Ann said...

It looks fine to me.