Saturday, October 19, 2024

All our history

On Thursday evening I had a sudden idea: why don't we go away for the weekend? Just to west Wales, nothing too dramatic. I browsed a few hotels/b&bs, then checked the weather. According to the BBC the weather for Saturday i.e. today, was going to be dreadful. Rain all day.

I wasn't planning on doing much but walking around even a little bit in the pouring rain wouldn't be fun. Okay, let's scrap the weekend away. 

It's been glorious today. Full sun most of the day. 

Oh well, I've got some washing done and on the line. 

* * * * *

I just popped to the village to get some birthday cards. On the front of one was written, "You're almost reaching the age when you stick a hankie up your sleeve." It was meant to be fun! I'm never to be found without a hankie up my sleeve. I didn't know it was an 'old' thing. In fact I dispute that!

* * * * *

I've always loved a bit of - the thing where you look amongst the flotsam and jetsam for . . . yes  - beachcombing! On Twitter I follow a number of people who scour beaches or, and this is the interesting bit, riverbanks for treasures. It's officially called mudlarking and some of the things, historic or beautiful, that people have found are wonderful. So I was wondering if I could do it along the river Tawe. To do it on the Thames you need a permit so I've emailed the Marine Licensing people to find out if that's necessary in Wales. 

Along most of the river the water is constantly up the bank but there must be some bits where sand/mud is exposed. The Tawe valley has a long industrial history so it might be possible to find something interesting. Because I have so  much time to spare!

* * * * *

I think I posted this photo when I did the book fair at the Dylan Thomas Centre.

But what I didn't show you was the plaque at the bottom. 
I was struck by the sentence, 'This is not 'Black History', this is all of our history."
As it's Black History Month I thought it might be useful to ponder that before we disregard black history as 'not about us'.

I'm not talking to you here as much as I'm talking to myself.


jabblog said...

Lots of interesting things to be found, but mudlarking doesn't really appeal to me. I think it's the smell of the mud that I don't like.

Boud said...

I used to follow a couple of YouTubers who mudlarked and beach combed, but I found I was shivering as they tromped in cold mud and picked up freezing items. Mostly I felt sad at the broken things. Maybe I'm not a good mudlarking candidate.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's true, those of us descended from the "oppressors' side" of history often regard such history as being the story only of the oppressed, "not us." It's a distancing mechanism to avoid facing our ancestors' historical guilt and benefit from that oppression.

And yes, I'm afraid the hanky in the sleeve (or tucked down our front into our bras) are very much "old lady" behaviours.

Abby said...

I keep a hanky on me and often wonder the best storage spot - we of little pockets. Sleeves sound like a good idea to me. Must be my age.
Mudlarking could be fun!