Sunday, September 29, 2024

Falsely accused

In the after church tea/coffee session today I was accused of "cuddling up to Joe."

My first reaction was, "Who's Joe?"

Then I denied it vehemently. Not only was I not cuddling I was actually sitting on the opposite edge of my seat to get as much space as I could as he was spreading a bit. 

I'm surprised the man who accused me was able to identify me as the culprit. He keeps welcoming me to church and asking if it's my first time. When I said this to him he said, "You must have looked different last time."

At least I know Joe's name now. I'm still learning names, and I'm at the stage where several people look alike and I get them confused.

I'd started driving out of the car park when I noticed a cool black fungus and had to stop the car to take a photo.

Possibly a Blackening Waxcap? Either that or a previously undiscovered species that will be named after me so I live on in perpetuity, forever associated with a little black thing.

P.S. I should add that Joe is 84 years old.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I didn't realize you and Joe were an item. Interesting!

Ana Dunk said...

Methinks the accuser is jealous. Does this congregation consist of the occupants of the nearest old age home?

Liz Hinds said...

Mostly yes!

Liz Hinds said...

You didn't know I had a sugar daddy?!

jabblog said...

It's uncomfortable sitting next to spreading people.