Monday, September 16, 2024

Castles and cows

I have been remiss of late in responding to comments. I apologise. I've tried to backtrack and catch up a bit. (Not that my replies are sparkling witty rejoinders, or even worth looking at!)

In answer to questions: 

The castles are being auctioned off in aid of the charity that organised the exhibition, the Air Ambulance.

Um, can't remember any other questions.

But Cathy at Acorn Hollow says they have painted snow people around their town. It reminded me of our visit to New York in 2000 when there were cows scattered about the city. (Apparently there were 450!) And it seems Cowparade is a worldwide thing.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, Edmonton has done the same kind of charity fundraising with painted bison statues a few years ago.

Liz Hinds said...

I do love these ideas.

Boud said...

We had cows galore a few years ago. You couldn't move without bumping into one!

Liz Hinds said...

They brighten the place up!

Anvilcloud said...

I wonder how many people go back to read Replies?

Ann said...

Around here they've done fish.