Thursday, September 26, 2024

Best cake ever

It was Marcus' birthday on Tuesday in Zac's and as I was short of time - and icing sugar - I cut the cake in half and put one half on top of the other.

You'll notice I also didn't plan out the wording so it seems to say 'Happy Marcus birthday'. Anyway Tim said it was the best cake I've ever made!

* * * * *

We had an asylum seeker asking for cooking pans so I placed an order with Cwtch Mawr (multi-bank*) and was able to give her a wonderful set of Our Place pans and a Kenwood food processor. As they sell for over £100 per pan I was tempted to keep them and give her mine! I think I was more excited to give them than she was to receive! No, she was very happy. She said she was a hair stylist. She looked at me. "I could help you."

* * * * *

Two lovely walks on Pobbles this week with Daughter and dogs.

The camera does lie. This was a nice day even though black clouds gathered on the horizon.
Toby has a habit of being sick after he's been to the beach with me. It's his own fault because he drinks sea water. I have come to the conclusion he drinks sea water to wash down the sticks he eats.

* Cwtch Mawr is given items by Amazon and other companies and passes them on to people in need.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That was a very clever solution to the icing sugar shortage!

jabblog said...

Cwtch Mawr does terrific work.
Marcus must have been very happy with his cake.

Boud said...

I can see how the offer to fix your hair might land a bit awkwardly. She may have been offering in order not to be only a taker.
Your cakes are legendary!

Ann said...

The cake looks yummy

Anvilcloud said...

That was a nice thing that you did with the pans.

Janie Junebug said...

The cake looks great! Rebekah baked a spice cake today and I'm going to make caramel frosting for it this evening. I wish a hairdresser could do something to help me.
