Monday, September 30, 2024

Beef, dogs, and apples

Cooking dinner last night I remembered why I rarely cook roast beef: it's too hard to get the timings right!

The beef was a little tough, the yorkshire didn't rise, but my roast potatoes were wonderful. And eating reheated veg and gravy for lunch is pretty good too.

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Straight after exercise this morning I dropped Husband off at the hospital for another appointment. It's really difficult to park so I dithered about coming home as it's only five minutes down the road, but decided to have a drive around the car park first and there were spaces!

I was parked next to a car with a dog in so I opened my window - his was closed - and had a little chat with him. He wasn't very happy. I tried singing to him but he hid when I did so I stopped. I don't think it was my singing but something set off his car alarm. 

It was intermittent and didn't seem to relate to his movements. It made him even grumpier. It was loud enough to annoy me but with his doggy hearing it must have been piercingly shrill, so I could understand his ill humour.

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I am having an argument on Facebook about the provenance of a painting. No, argument is too strong a word. Discussion. My opponent claims it's AI; I say it's not because it won the BP Portrait Award in 2018. Either an awful lot of skulduggery has gone on to provide false information about this painting or I'm right.

It's an amazing painting.

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Thank you, America, for sending the remnants of your storm across the oceans. It was so windy last night. Two trees were blown down on our road - but further along. We seem to have escaped any major damage though.

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Has anyone watched Apples Never Fall? It's intriguing. I think we'll be on the final episode this evening. It's based on the best-selling book by Liane Moriarty. The book is based in Australia but the series in Miami, although filmed in Australia apparently.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, I watched "Apples Never Fall" when it was shown on TV here in the Spring. I enjoyed it but the solution to the mystery was much more prosaic and anti-climactic than the lurid scenarios I had conjured in my head.

I think you're right about that painting. If it won a major competition like that, it would have been vetted very closely to ensure it was original.

Liz Hinds said...

We've just found out that Joy is alive and with savannah - and that means she must be the most horrible mother ever! Looking forward to seeing it this evening.

Boud said...

There are the kind of design flaws in that painting that you get when clueless people apply ai. It's possible the original was genuine, online versions of it not.

Liz Hinds said...

Apparently the blurs etc were meant to signify life going on while mother was still at the centre.