Thursday, August 22, 2024

What a day for a dreamer

We needed green recycling bags. I had stuff to drop off at Zac's so decided to combine that with a visit to the Civic Centre to pick up bags.

The storm had passed by the time I arrived there and it was a grey, blowy day, just the right day to get some beautiful sea air. But first I'd look for a castle. 

The Dreamer, my new favourite

It felt so good to be in the sea air that I decided to take a stroll. I very rarely - if ever - go for a walk by myself; I've always had a dog or Husband to accompany me, so it felt a little odd but I soon got into it. I headed along the prom for the Observatory in the conviction that there would be another castle there.

I'd taken the map out of my bag this very morning, but was sure I'd be proved right. I wasn't. 

By this time the grey clouds that had been threatening had arrived and a fine drizzly rain was falling. I considered sheltering in the Observatory cafe but it's quite nice in there, and it felt too indulgent to go in on my own. Also, to be honest, I was a bit scared.

So I braved the rain and headed back but instead of taking the sea front route I walked through the Marina, again with the idea there'd be a castle there. There wasn't. (Coming home and checking the map I find there were castles all over the place and I missed them.)

I couldn't resist taking a photo of this lovely cuddling couple

Mermaid statue unveiled by then Prince Charles at the opening of Swansea Maritime Quarter in 1989

Looking a little out of place in the Marina

And then I spotted some intriguing wall plaques. As you'll know if you've read my next post. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, the one Tower you found is a beauty!

Liz Hinds said...

It is. I am fascinated by the horse going upstairs.

Anvilcloud said...

No or few castles but a nice walk anyway despite the rain by the looks of it.

Kathy G said...

It looks like a lovely day, and now the idea of you finding a wall plaque makes more sense.

Ann said...

You found lots of interesting things.

jabblog said...

The castles are so colourful. They must brighten so many people's lives.