Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The worst scones in the history of scones

On a day when you're already doubting yourself the last thing you need is to make the worst scones in the history of scones. They're what Baldrick would make if Baldrick made scones.

I usually use a Delia Smith recipe but today I thought I'd try Mary Berry's for a change. I don't think you can see quite how thin and unrisen they are. I will have to stuff them with jam and call them jam splits.

But a lovely walk this morning to Pobbles with Daughter, GrandSon3 and GrandDaughter2, plus dogs. GrandSon3 waited until the rain shower passed then went in the sea. I was wishing I'd brought my swimming things and my body board because the waves were ideal.

Much more rain on yesterday's walk with GrandSon1 and Toby in the woods. We had to run from tree to tree - neither of us had coats - and finally gave up and accepted we would get wet.

The Tree Creature has a new hair-do.

And we spotted this lovely parasol mushroom in amongst the heather.


Boud said...

An inventive baker, renaming the scones! Who's to know. As long as people don't ask for them again. They might not turn out that way twice.

jabblog said...

Your scones look edible. That's a bonus in my book!

Liz Hinds said...

I hope not!

Liz Hinds said...

Covered in butter and jam they're edible!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I thought Mary Berry is the Queen of British Baking? And yet her scones recipe sucks? Very disillusioning.

Kathy G said...

I bet many recipes were developed based on the fact they didn't resemble the original intended one.

Anvilcloud said...

I’ll take your word for it. They look good enough.

Marie Smith said...

Think I’d try the scones anyway! Lots of butter and jam!

Janie Junebug said...

The scones might not be so bad, but now I understand your second post about your husband. I love the tree creature. I wish I had a hairdo like that.


Liz Hinds said...

Precisely! Couldn't possibly have been my fault!

Liz Hinds said...

It's the only answer. Though your baking is wonderful.

Liz Hinds said...

You mean I have invented something new! I should call it the Elizabeth slice.

Liz Hinds said...

They tasted okay.

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, quite acceptable.

Liz Hinds said...

This is one of Tree Creature's better hairdos.

Robyn said...

I made scones at the weekend but managed to forget to add the egg to the mix - now THAT was a fail!