Friday, August 02, 2024

Second flush

More busy and mostly sunny days. Even when it's been a bit cloudy it's been very warm, so the children have been here in the pool lots of the time.

Second flush of roses.

Today in Zac's I was allowed out of the kitchen! I usually spend the time in there helping prep and dish up the food, before washing a mountain of pans, but I made a special request to be allowed out to have contact with our customers for a change.

So I was on the serving hatch and apart from calling oranges tomatoes a few times it was okay. There was a near fight when someone tried to push in but no-one was rude to me.

"What would you like to eat? Would you like vegetable soup? Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, water or squash? Banana or orange?"

Back to yesterday, and after lunch at McGranny's, two of the grands set to making things with air-drying clay. Of course, I had to have a go too, so while they made model burgers I made little flowers.

Tonight we're treating ourselves to a meal out at Slice. I slept quite well last night but had vivid dreams and woke up tired, followed by a morning on my feet, and I'm thinking a little siesta wouldn't go amiss


Anvilcloud said...

You have an artistic bent.

acorn hollow said...

sleep has been hard to come by in this house. My husband and I are both having issues.
your flowers are lovely great was to use the clay

Ann said...

I like your flowers. I've been wanting to try out the air dry clay and see what I can make. I just keep changing my mind when I go to the store to buy it.

Marie Smith said...

Your blooms brightened my day. Thank you, Liz.

jabblog said...

Pretty flowers. Having young children around provides the perfect excuse for 'playing'.