Sunday, July 07, 2024

Prince Michael of Wales

Over on Twitter I have seen several Welsh activists up in arms because the Prince of Wales was photographed cheering and fist-pumping the air when England scored in their Euros quarterfinal match yesterday.

Now, heaven knows, I am a proud Welsh woman and I don't want an English Prince of Wales. I don't want any Prince of Wales - possible exception being Michael Sheen - but even I punched the air when England scored. And William is English. And President of the English Football Association. Of course he's going to cheer them on. 

I am actually more expressive in my support than English Husband, with my 'Oh!' and my 'Yes!" If you've followed me for any length of time you will know that supporting England has always been something I've struggled with. It's easier to support the soccer team, because Wales tends not to fare well on that front. Rugby - a bit harder but I'm doing it.

We don't need William; we have Michael. This is an old clip but worth sharing.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I support Michael Sheen for Prince of Wales too!

Marie Smith said...

Well done, Michael! He deserves the title!

Boud said...

I think you should be able to elect your Prince of Wales!

Polly said...

I'm not into football or rugby but I do occasionally watch world games. That was a wonderful rousing speech. I'm into the royal family and I think it's nice to see them cheering like the rest of us.

Boud said...

Where's my post gone! Spam yet again? That file is stuffed with my deathless prose.

Ole phat Stu said...

If Wills had hair he'd be a carrot.
Don't say THAT in welsh !!!

acorn hollow said...

That poor prince has been through it all let him root for ever he wants it is just a game.

Ann said...

How sad is it that they feel the need to report that the prince was cheering on a team.

Janie Junebug said...

With all the difficult things we have to deal with in the world, who cares if William cheers for a team? Seems silly to fuss over it. I hope you're pleased with the way your election turned out. We still have a long way to go.


Liz Hinds said...

Janie, very pleased. Delighted. Things aren't looking for the US at the moment though.