Monday, July 15, 2024

Eco-feminism and me

Do you ever think, "I've got too much to think about! I can't think all these thoughts!"

My cleaner is here right now so I was forced onto the computer to keep out of the way. (I say that as if it's a hardship and something I never do.) Having done the odd bits that needed doing I decided to . . . wait for it . . . submit a novel to a publisher!

It's the second novel I wrote and in a very different style. Well, not that different but not funny. I've submitted to Welsh women's publisher, Honno. I actually submitted to them eleven years ago when I first wrote the novel. They held on to it for so long I queried and they said it was still being considered which I took to be a good sign. But then never heard from then again. So, hopefully, it will be a different commissioning editor who will say yes or no straightaway. Or in six months, which is the current response time.

However, on the webpage, the editor writes, "I’d love to read an eco-feminist book set in contemporary Wales, for example." So that might rule out my book.

In other news, it's grey and damp here today, but good weather yesterday meant we got a bit closer to my dream.

Rambling roses planted, anti-weed stuff laid down and covered with bark. It's going to be beautiful!


Boud said...

Now I'm waiting for results, books, roses, all good.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Eco-feminist book set in Wales, hmmm? That's oddly specific, isn't it!

Abby said...

Your last paragraph - summary of your eco feminist book set in contemporary Wales?

Anvilcloud said...

Good luck on the book, you radical feminist you.

Kathy G said...

Your garden is going to be lovely.

jabblog said...

Eco-feminist would put me right off! The rose garden will be a picture.

Ann said...

Good luck with your novel.

Cop Car said...

I really like your dry rock work. Beautiful.